The Story
The Hobbit is an adaptation of Tolkien’s classic story by Canadian playwright Kim Selody. Bilbo, the unadventurous hobbit, must overcome his fears to become the hero Gandalf believes him to be. Although the characters are at times assisted with magic, the true enchantment is found in the mind.
Nate dea, quo fata trahunt retrahuntque, sequamur
Let us follow wherever the fates take us, there and back again.
The Creatures of Hobbiton and Middle Earth
Bilbo Baggins:
Bilbo is 50 years old when he meets Gandalf. He comes from a wealthy family, loves his food, books, riddles and the comfort of home. Bilbo has great courage. Hobbits in general are two to four feet tall, have deep fruity laughs, and have a conservative, peace-loving temperament. They have no ambition for wealth or power over others. Adventurous endeavours are discouraged and considered indiscreet.
Old Took or Adamanta Took:
A wise narrator and spirit figure. Old Took is capable of transforming magical forces to protect the adventurers or influence their outcome.
Living far beyond his life expectancy, Gollum is bone white, thin, bald, and has lamp-like eyes. He has a dual personality which makes him quarrel when he talks to himself, his only companion. He has forgotten about the sun, air, wind, and lurks in complete misery with his precious ring.
A complex character; warm, remote, avuncular, but at times irritable. His patience is tried and his wisdom is often ignored by the less intelligent of his companions -- that is most of them. He represents some of the highest traits such as courage, foresight and self-sacrifice.
5 Dwarves: Thorin, Bombur, Balin, Kili, Fili
These are stout, hardy, slightly taller than Hobbits, large in the stomach with long beards. They are stubborn, indomitable and persistent in labor and hardship. Brave in battle, their pride cannot be broken. Drawn to metals, minerals, precious stones, they work as miners, masons, metal workers, renowned for their skills as craftsmen . They have a great temptation towards possessions. Dwarves are wise with knowledge and have their own secret language, guarded with jealousy.
Elves: Elrond, Elven King, Wood Elf Guards
Created before the division of good and evil, these ancient creatures are wise, personal and creative. Elves understand a myriad of histories and languages. Often mischievous and light-hearted creatures, as heard in their songs, elves represent what is high and noble in human life.
Goblins or Orcs: Great Goblin, Goblin General
Goblins are a mockery imitation of Elves, transformed into their opposites The legend of Goblins is that when the division of good and evil began, Evil “captured many elves and took them to a dungeon. With acts of cruelty, he made terrible forms of life who were as loathsome as elves were fair. Twisted by hate and pain, the only joy of these creatures was the pain of others.” Their stunted form is bent, bow-legged and squat, their arms are long and strong and their skin discolored and jaundiced. They symbolize what is twisted, insensitive and cruel. They speak a vulgar style of English, are foul-mouthed and brutal, “blood-drinking ferocious creatures.” Their eyes see clearly in darkness which is why they live in caves. Goblins also reproduce easily, and it is their sheer numbers which overwhelm the elves, dwarves and Bilbo in the end.
People of Lake Town: Bard
Humble and strong willed humans who were exiled from their valley of Esgaroth when Smaug destroyed it.
Bard is a descendant of the great archer, Girion. His own abilities as an archer are proven in the battle of five armies.
Stone Trolls: Tom, Bert, William
Trolls are giant cannibalistic creatures, strong, fierce and dull-witted. Created in darkness, they have as enemies the sun and Ents. The sun has the power to take away trolls’ powers of movement and speech forever, causing them to be encased by their form as stones.
Smaug the magnificent Dragon:
A dragon’s intelligence is renowned, as is its love of riddles. Dragons are clever and knowledgeable, but not wise; they have flaws of vanity, gluttony, greed, deceit and wrath. Beyond their physical strength, dragons carry more subtle powers such as: incredible hearing, keen eyesight, and a sense of smell that allows them to name any creature by the odor of their flesh.
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